lördag 27 september 2014

Technological limitations and solutions

We have already revealed a very serious limitation of the makey makey board. To sense a touch interaction with a board, we have to close a circuit. To close the circuit one participant of the interaction have to be connected to the ground of the board and the other to the power of the same board. As a result of this, the participants of our 'game' would have to be wired to the same makey makey board, which is a serious limitation in our case.

Two other options we came up with to sense physical interactions between participants are the followings. We could use Hall sensors to measure the magnetic field of small industrial magnets. In this way, there are two options. Either, we could put magnets on a t-shirt and a sensor in a bracelet or ring, or the other way around. With the second solution (sensors on t-shirt and magnet in bracelet) we could even figure out the type of interactions as we would see which sensors are the closest to the magnet in the other participant's bracelet or ring. Although, this solution would entail much more difficulties in the implementation.

Our second option is to use RFID reader to read little RFID tags. In this way we could put the small 2cm diameter RFID tag discs on a t-shirt. Each RFID tag has a unique identifier, so we could also figure out the type of interactions in an easy way. One limitation what we discovered while reading about this solution was that 2 or more tags in the reader's range will cause it to not read any tags at all. However, there were readers and tags available in the lab on Friday, so we had the possibility to try it out. What we found is that the range of the reader is not to big, so tags can be placed quite close to each other without interfering. We even tried if it senses the tags through the palm or fingers with success. So using it as a ring would work, we'll might go with this solution. 

Although this technology has limitations as well. Without skin to skin interaction there will be limited number of parts on the body where we can sense interactions. One big challenge is to sense high5s and hand shakes without gloves.  

torsdag 25 september 2014

Interaction types

Our project can be divided to three parts according to the interactions so far:

Visualisation of happy points

To see your own and other's happiness level.
Some additional options:
  • RGB LED could give the color of a specific shape (eg. heart), and change its tint according to participant's happiness level. It could also blink when it's too low.
  • Nice looking emojis on a screen or on a led matrix.
  • Pictures of different facial expressions of each participant could be shown on a little screen to represent their happiness level. - In this way people will still wear their everyday poker face, but 'real' feelings could be also shown in a more personal way.

Recognising other participants in the 'game'

It's not reasonable to expect the participants to always look for other players in their everyday life's crowded environment. Therefore, some kind of notification is needed when an other player is around. However, the notification should not be annoying when there are a lot of players around!

From a technological point of view, to be able to implement this, the used platforms should somehow sense each other's proximity as well.

Interaction between participants

Maybe the most interesting part of the project is that the participants will have to physically interact with each other to get happy points. Some ideas are already listed in our previous post about the potential ways of interactions. One interesting aspect of this project could be to experiment with the different ways of interaction. It would be really nice to see what are those interactions what people like or dare to initiate and what are those which are the best to get. 

Although, this would make the project a little bit more difficult. Logging of the interactions would be needed and also a way to let the receiver participants rate the interaction they experience.

It would be also nice to include sound messages in the list of interactions, although the group has rejected the idea because of the technological difficulties it would entail.

One direction where we could start now is to experiment with the makey makey modul which makes skin to skin interactions possible. I think with some conductive thread and fabric we could also sense touches on the clothes.

onsdag 24 september 2014

Thoughts for the Project

The interaction between people is key for us, so is to inspiring people to interact. Interaction in public space. A social game to connect people in public spaces.

Do they drop over time (ephemeral-aspect)? A lot of the time you get more happy to give a gift than to receive it (build on this?). You make someone happy and you get happy by making her/him happy (both get H.P.)? Future design (recognize each player) get vibration to know if a player is close?

How to display Happy Points:
  • Form
    • Bracelet 
    • Necklace?
    • Patch?
    • Scarf?
  • Abilities/display of interaction
    • Shapechanging?
    • Bubbles? Lots of bubbles! <3
    • LEDs?
    • A heart?
    • Color Coded?
  • Material:
    • Sensors, sliders, buttons?
    • Conductive thread?
    • Lilypad?
    • BlueTooth-connected arduino? 
    • Wireless? (We prefer the physical interaction)
  • How should the interaction work? How to transfer H.P. to spread happiness.
    • Two people physically interacting?
    • People interacting with people (wireless)?
    • Display your emotion to encourage others to interact with you?
    • Skin to skin interaction (close circuit to let jewellery work)?
  • But, how:
    • High Five?
    • Pat?
    • Hug?
    • Stroke?
    • Push a Button/Poke?
    • Leave a message?

      This post was created by everyone in the group! :)

tisdag 23 september 2014

Further thoughts on the concept

Previously we have been talking a lot about incorporating the use of mobile phones in our concept, that we want to connect people based on common interests. These interests would be known through one's use of Facebook (and which pages you "like") and/or the type of music you are listening to via Spotify for example.

But what about if we concentrate more on getting people to interact in other ways than just based on what they like on social media sites/networks? What about just developing a jewellery collection (2-3 pieces), maybe these jewelleries can interact with each other so that when two people who own a piece walk by each other it makes them aware of each other?

..or maybe they can be about communicating feelings that the wearer is experiencing to make people interact with each other? ("Happy Points" can be an example of this). Also the Happiness Blanket is an example of this.


Happy Points!

During the discussion today we came up with a plan. Our social jewellery should promote users to interact (with touching like hugs etc) for some reward. A reward discussed was "Happy Points". The more you interact with people, the more "Happy Points" you receive. And these points could also be transmitted to other people. Maybe you can even cash them in for something like a offer or a coffee?


Inspiration for materials

I found an interesting video about memory wire/muscle wire, which could be an alternative material in our jewellery collection (2-3 jewellery pieces). One of the pieces could use this as a trigger for interaction. It can take a shape based on if the person wearing it is experiencing a type of emotion or not.

"[...] flex and contract when a specific amount of heat or current is applied to it. If you are asking yourself “What sorcery is this?!” We assure you, this isn’t magic, it’s just simple science thanks to shape memory and a change between the wires weaker, low temperature form (martensitic) and its stronger, high temperature form (austenite). When the Muscle Wire® is in its martensitic form, it can be formed and bent into different shapes. However, when an electrical current of ~1.5A is applied to the wire, or is heated to ~100C it reverts to austenite form and recovers its previous shape with great force. Additionally, you can anneal at ~500C (use an industrial furnace or simply a lighter) it to whatever shape you would want, next once that current or heat is applied it will return to that new shape."

Otherwise showing a persons mood or feelings can be expressed by light. It can be a more ambient way of expressing emotions by simply using a pulsing light that changes color depending of felt emotion or state of happiness for example.



  • A piece of jewellery or an accessory that connect people (friends or strangers)
  • Something in common
  • Interact with light, vibrations, temperature or music

Inspiring links:


  1. Shoe Music
  2. “Social Jewelry”
  3. Muscle Instrument
  4. Suspender Controller/Musical Clothing
  5. Artwork-interaction /environmental